Monday, July 23, 2007

When in doubt, use the scissors.

I committed myself back in May to entering two pieces plus some cards into the Embroiderers' Guild SW region exhibition "Waterways" in Gloucester, confident I would have them finished well before the children broke up from school so I could do some more coursework. I hasn't quite worked out as I expected. First, I lost the little bag that I had managed to finish (and found it several days later in the place I had first looked), then I decided I didn't like the second piece once it was finished. What to do? Fortune favours the brave so I grabbed the scissors, cut it into three pieces and remounted onto 3 small square artists' canvases. Much improved. All the bits are now safely packed up and ready to be delivered.

School broke up on Friday so I don't expect to get much done in the next 6 weeks.


Garnered Stitches said...

Hi, Jane. Sometimes being brave and brandishing the scissors is the only thing to do. I keep lots of "rubbish" samples in hope that at some point a fresh idea and a pair of scissors may turn them into something great! My two break up tomorrow (Wednesday) and my God-Son is coming to stay overnight so no work for me. Hoping to get something done, but usually see this time as holiday from coursework and I do some quilting, I have an applique to complete so that should keep me busy especially whilst travelling on holiday to Lake District.
Have a great holiday
Best wishes Alison

Susan D said...

Isn't it always the way when you loose something you find it where you could have sworn you'd looked in the first place. Good luck with your exhibition pieces.