Friday, September 24, 2010

Inspiring Photography

Soon, I will get some coursework done, I promise.  Meanwhile, I was at a wedding last weekend, and was introduced to a fellow guest who turned out to be a French photographer who takes the most wonderful pictures of rusty surfaces and broken bits of machinery.  How lucky is that?  So we had a bit of a chat (sort of - I can't speak French) about colour and texture and swopped blog addresses.  Go and take a look for some inspiration at


Heather said...

Those photos are wonderful. What is it about rusty objects and decaying things that appeals to so many of us? Thankyou for sharing these treats.

Karen Hurrell said...

Très intéressant! O level French can be useful after all (as long as I don't have to say anything).

Hazel said...

love the photos, Jane. Soon, I will get some coursework done, too!

Heather said...

Thankyou for your kind comment re the exhibition - sorry I wasn't on duty on Sunday to say hello. Hope all is well with you and your work.