Monday, May 10, 2010

Module 4, Chapter 1

Well, it has been an unintentionally long absence from blogging. Somehow in the last few months our household has managed to kill one computer and upset another so much it had to go back to the manufacturers, leaving us fighting over machines all claiming priority for our various homeworks. So I have ended up moving pictures and notes hither and thither to and from backup drives and jumping from one machine to another. I think we are finally straight now so I will try and get up to date.

Module 4 is themed on flowers, starting with a historical study of flowers in Elizabethan embroidery. Photo 1 shows a sheet of collected images.

Photo 1

For my foreign embroidery study, I have chosen to look at flowers in Russian embroidery and how they have been represented over 300 years - photos 2 to 4 show the study sheets for this. I was going to cut and paste the typed notes that go with these but cannot find the files at the moment so I will come back to this - I may have to photograph the printed copies from my folder.

Photo 2

Photo 3


Max the Lobster said...

welcome back!

Heather said...

Nice to have you back. I love Elizabethan embroidery - your images are beautiful, as are the Russian study sheets. Looking forward to seeing where they take you.

Fibrenell said...

Lovely images to work from and your choice of research will be great, so much to investigate.