Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I have just realised that I have been posting to this blog for over a month without mentioning my coursework at all - whoops!

So here goes - I am on module 1 of the Diploma and my theme is Machinery and Industrial Landscape. Within this, I am focussing on layers of linear patterns and am currently a bit obsessed with electricity pylons. I have taken and collected a number of images and am playing with them in various ways.

I handed in a portfolio to Sian at the end of May and am working through her suggestions for extra design ideas. I have done some work since Summer School (honest) but it has tailed off due to school holidays. I am also trying to stick to Sian's suggestion of daily drawings made in different ways of the same subject.

The photo shows how I have been exploring layers of lines on transparent surfaces - these have been made by wrapping laminating pouches with black threads of diferent thicknesses. I have hinged the layers so that they can be folded like a book or viewed as a 3d model. A variation has been to laminate cut up video tapes in credit card size pouches and make patterns by combining these with small copies of the photos. I am looking for a way of making a 3d structure to allow one to look through lots of layers of these fragments - perhaps there is some way of standing them up in a slotted stand so they could be rearranged at will?

I have also been using cut-outs to explore the spaces between the lines by building up layers of different heights and photographing them at different angles to show the shadows. In addition I have photographed the effect of holding the stencil I used to create the shapes over the top to cast further shadows. I continue to fold paper to give lovely patterns of creases and have taken rubbings of some of these. The rubbings have then made a background for photos that have been manipulated on the computer. Finally, I printed some of my pylon photos onto transparencies and projected them onto the wall, then traced onto paper with black marker. This is a great way to understand how the lines link and overlap. At this scale they are very like an angular version of celtic knotwork (we are back to the Irish dancing dresses again). These will be used to make further drawings/collages.

I am planning to upload more photographs to my personal website so watch this space.